GALAB participates in the Girls’Day and Boys’Day event

Promoting young people’s interest in the STEM field
You can get children excited about STEM topics at a very young age, even if it’s just with simple science experiments. GALAB is proud of its continuous support in promoting young people’s interest in the STEM fields. That’s why GALAB has participated in the German Girls’Day and Boys’Day 2022 event to provide young students an exciting glimpse into career paths previously unknown to them.
As part of this event, six students, aged 10 to 13, visited GALAB on April 28. After a short introduction by our trainees, the students were shown the GALAB laboratories and departments from the inside, starting with the sample preparation, where they could observe the sample homogenization of a tomato.
The students then participated in various chemistry experiments: the production of fruit confectionery by cooking gelatin, a quality test of food, the determination of the pH value of various liquids and the performance of a flame test to determine chemicals. Our trainees also demonstrated a few chemical reactions to the students, such as the creation of “Elephant’s toothpaste”.
All participants were very impressed with the shown experiments, especially by those that produced bright colors or lots of foam. After the students were asked whether they could imagine a profession in this direction in their future, they expressed themselves very positively towards it. They enjoyed the event very much as it sparked their interest in chemistry.
Who knows, maybe the next great revolutionary chemist was even among them?
For more information about this collaboration please feel free to contact us at:
Phone: +49 40 36 80 77 – 0
Parameters & Analytical Methods
State-of-the-Art Analysis
We constantly update our spectrum of parameters to the latest developments in the food analysis sector and offer state-of-the-art analytical methods for the safety of your products.
Comprehensive multi-methods
We are constantly expanding our range of services in order to be able to guarantee you a comprehensive range of analyses. We offer multi-methods for mycotoxins, dioxin analysis or molecular biological analysis for GMOs and allergens. The GALAB Pesticide500Plus® multi-method can even be used for difficult matrices such as spices and herbs.
Constant development
If you cannot find the parameter/analysis you are looking for here, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our research and development department implements your requirements and specifications cost-efficiently and with a high quality standard.
Quality Policy
GALAB Laboratories has implemented a quality management system to allow for optimum service for their customers. It is our goal to establish close relations to customers by customer satisfaction. Therefor quick reactions to customers’ specific needs as well as considerations for quality demands of the market are necessary. We strive to provide comprehensive and professional advice to our customers. Learn more
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