Screening GMO

Determination Using PCR
Worldwide the number of authorised GMO crops is increasing. For a safe determination efficient screening methods are applied at GALAB. These determine DNA sequences contained in as many different GMO as possible. The PCR methods target regulatory elements or marker genes which do not occur naturally in these plants.
Safety in Screening
An annually updated list of all known authorised and non-authorised GMO is supplied by BVL, the national reference laboratory. Depending on the matrix, we combine the necessary analyses in a GMO screening to provide you with maximum safety. Our methods are constantly adjusted to latest developments.
Result Negative
If a screening is negative, this means that no known GMO is present in the sample. If the result is positive, further analyses regarding identification and quantification (if feasible) become necessary to assess marketability of the product.
Parameters & Analytical Methods
State-of-the-Art Analysis
We constantly update our spectrum of parameters to the latest developments in the food analysis sector and offer state-of-the-art analytical methods for the safety of your products.
Comprehensive multi-methods
We are constantly expanding our range of services in order to be able to guarantee you a comprehensive range of analyses. We offer multi-methods for mycotoxins, dioxin analysis or molecular biological analysis for GMOs and allergens. The GALAB Pesticide500Plus® multi-method can even be used for difficult matrices such as spices and herbs.
Constant development
If you cannot find the parameter/analysis you are looking for here, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our research and development department implements your requirements and specifications cost-efficiently and with a high quality standard.
Quality Policy
GALAB Laboratories has implemented a quality management system to allow for optimum service for their customers. It is our goal to establish close relations to customers by customer satisfaction. Therefor quick reactions to customers’ specific needs as well as considerations for quality demands of the market are necessary. We strive to provide comprehensive and professional advice to our customers. Learn more
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